
‘Connections’ February 28: Hints and Answers for Puzzle #628

Connections is back with another daily brainteaser, and Newsweek has provided hints for you to solve today’s tough game.

The New York Times released the game in June 2023, and it has since gone on to become a global sensation.

Wyna Liu, puzzle editor at the NYT who creates the Connections puzzles, said in an interview with the newspaper that she gets joy and satisfaction from building games.

“I feel like I’m finding a creative solution to a problem, albeit one of my own making,” Liu said in 2020.

In a separate interview with Newsweek last year, Liu shared behind-the-scenes secrets about the game, noting she doesn’t usually know where a board is going to take her.

“It really does a long time to fudge things and try different angles,” she told readers.

Keep scrolling for Newsweek‘s helpful hints for Connections #628, but be warned: The answers will also be revealed at the bottom of this page, so if you would like to work them out for yourself, we advise you scroll with caution.

Stock image: A woman with painted nails wearing a white polka-dot shirt types on her cellphone.

Eva Blanco/iStock / Getty Images Plus

How To Play ‘Connections’

To win the game, players must successfully separate 16 words into four categories based on a common theme. These categories are color-coded by difficulty. From the easiest to the trickiest, they are: yellow, green, blue and purple.

For example, Thursday’s puzzle linked the words “call,” “dial,” “phone” and “ring” under the yellow category: “Contact via telephone.”

Yesterday’s purple category was “Ending with units of measure” and included: “bigfoot,” “compound,” “Instagram” and “thermometer.”

After submitting your selections, you’ll know if you got them correct because they will be highlighted in their category color and will be removed from the board. If your selections are incorrect, however, they will remain on the board, and you will get another go.

While the game is not timed, players get only four guesses before the answers will be revealed.

‘Connections’ #628 Hints and Clues for Friday, February 28

Below are Newsweek‘s hints to help you with Friday’s puzzle:

Yellow: Unable to make a decision

Green: Words to describe someone who is charming

Blue: Intelligibility

Purple: Metaphor components that cannot be reversed

‘Connections’ #628 Answers for Friday, February 28

Yellow Category: BE INDECISIVE

Yellow Words: Hesitate, Waffle, Waver, Yo-yo

Green Category: LOVELY PERSON

Green Words: Angel, Dear, Doll, Peach

Blue Category: LUCIDITY

Blue Words: Marbles, Mind, Sense, Wits


Purple Words: Bell, Egg, Genie, Toothpaste

Awesome job if you managed to conquer today’s Connections! If you didn’t though, don’t sweat it. You’ll get another chance on Saturday when a new game will be available for you to try.

Connections is released at midnight in your local time zone, so be sure to check back with Newsweek daily for more clues and answers.

In the meantime, Connections lovers, why don’t you try these other popular word-based games?

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