
Births, marriages continue to decline

According to preliminary data, 6,367 children were born and 12,855 people died in January 2025. The number of births lessened by 4.5%, that of marriages by 4.2%, while that of deaths rose by 6,5% compared to the same month of the previous year.

In January 2025 a total of 6,367 children were born, 4.5% or 300 fewer than in January 2024.

The total fertility rate was estimated at 1.35 per female, which was 1.40 a year earlier.

12,855 people lost their lives, 6.5% or 784 more than a year earlier.

The natural decrease was 6,488, as opposed to 5,404 in January 2024.

1,605 couples got married, which was 4.2% or 71 less than a year earlier.

There were 7.9 live births and 15.9 deaths per thousand population. The rate of live births was 0.4 per mille points lower, while that of deaths was 1.0 per mille points higher in January than in January 2024. The rate of natural decrease increased by 1.4 per mille points to 8.0 per mille. The number of infant deaths was 2.0 per thousand live births, which was 2.2 per mille points lower compared to the same period of the previous year. The marriage rate was 2.0 per mille, 0.1 per mille points lower than a year earlier.

Between February 2024 and January 2025 77,200 children were born, 8.5% or 7,141 fewer than in the previous twelve months.

There were 128,284 deaths, 0.1% or 113 fewer than in the previous twelve months.

46,479 couples got married, 8.1% or 4,106 fewer than in the previous twelve months.

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