
Employers on minimum wage: In principle yes, but…

The employers’ association MGYOSZ has now also declared its agreement in principle to the government’s desire to raise the minimum wage to 50% of “regular gross pay”.

The MGYOSZ particularly welcomes the fact that the institution of the Consultation Forum of the Social Partners (VKF) is now regulated by a regulation that provides the framework for the current negotiations for a three-year wage agreement. The multi-year agreement, which the social partners agree to in principle, must also take into account the EU directive on the minimum wage, emphasises the employers’ association.

The minimum wage should rise to half of the regular gross average wage by 2027, but must not exceed this value, emphasises the MGYOSZ. The wage agreement must take into account economic performance, efficiency and inflation. The employers expect all three parties (including the trade unions and the government) to draw up a programme on how the increase in average wages can be brought into line with productivity increases. Employees must be prepared for the fact that the average wage will increase much less dynamically than the minimum wage in the coming years.


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