
How Rescue Dog Soothes Himself to Sleep With Favorite Toy: ‘So Peaceful’

One rescue dog has gone viral on TikTok after his owner revealed the adorable way he uses his favorite type of toy to soothe him to sleep before every nap.

Myko, a mixed breed of mountain cur, Great Pyrenees, and even chow chow, can’t fall asleep without his soft, squeaky ball, which he will carry in his mouth until he drifts off. When the squeaking starts to slow down, his owner knows his pet is getting tired, and once they’ve stopped completely, the dog is finally sound asleep.

Myko’s owner, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, told Newsweek that she has started calling the toys his “emotional support kernels because he carries them everywhere.” They’re so important to the pup that he needs to have several around the house in case he loses any, or if they fall apart from being chewed so much.

“He holds the kernel in his mouth and gently squeaks it repeatedly. As time goes on, he seems to be soothing himself to sleep because his eyes start closing and the squeaks get less frequent until they stop entirely,” Myko’s owner, who wishes to remain anonymous, said.

Myko caught soothing himself to sleep with his favorite toy, the squeaky ball. Sometimes he might chew the ball for just a few minutes, but other times the process takes up to 20 minutes.

@mykomushroom / TikTok

“It’s so cute that it’s hard not to squeeze him. Sometimes, he falls asleep with it in his mouth. When he’s really tired, he softly drops it beside him, but if he wakes up and it’s not nearby, he panics and needs to find it. He usually sleeps with one anywhere he is around the house.”

Sometimes, the process might only take a minute or two before Myko is asleep, but on other occasions, it can last for up to 20 minutes before the squeaking stops.

Myko has developed quite the following on social media, through his TikTok account (@mykomushroom) and the adorable video of how he soothes himself to sleep delighted many. Since the clip was posted in December, it has already been viewed over 232,600 times and received more than 41,200 likes.

Why Can Toys Be Soothing for Dogs?

Dog toys can provide a number of benefits for any pup, whether it’s the joy of playtime, keeping them occupied, or comforting them. For dogs like Myko, who often gets anxious, the American Kennel Club (AKC) says that familiar soft toys can provide them with familiarity, which is extremely calming for them.

Squeaky toys in particular can help dogs become less afraid of unusual sounds, which the AKC adds is good for socialization.

Having a comfort item, such as a toy or a blanket, is so soothing for a nervous dog, so whenever you take your dog somewhere new, like a trip, it is recommended that you take their favorite item along so they feel more at ease.

Myko will hardly leave the house without one of his squeaky kernels, as he takes them on walks, and to his beloved grandparents’ house, too.

How Did TikTok React?

Since sharing the video of Myko’s self-soothing technique on TikTok, his owner has loved seeing the positive reactions, as many other owners even shared stories about their own dog’s comfort items.

Mylo’s owner told Newsweek: “The response has been overwhelmingly positive. People really connected with the idea of a comfort object and absolutely love the way he is slowly closing his eyes and just using his mouth to squeak it. The most overwhelming response has been how just watching him made them feel better.

“It makes us happy to see him so peaceful when he does this, and it’s a reminder of just how funny and sweet he is. His personality is so enormous, this is just another adorable dimension of it that we love and appreciate.”

The viral video has gained over 160 comments so far, as TikTok users just can’t get enough of Myko’s adorable habit. One comment reads: “This is the sweetest.”

Another person responded: “Myko and his popcorns are our favorite.”

A third TikTok user wrote: “Mine does this with her blanket. So cute.”

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to with some details about your best friend, and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.