
Rescue Kitten’s Response to Owner Saying ‘Hi’ Watched by Over 4 Million

In a viral TikTok post, a cat owner from Minnesota revealed what her rescue kitten does every time she says “hi,” and internet users can’t cope with it.

The heartwarming video, shared in December under the username @rachelandtea, shows a series of clips of the poster greeting the gray kitten, Tea, by saying “hi,” to which the kitten meows back every single time.

“POV [point of view]: You rescue a kitten, and she answers back every time you say her name,” reads layover text in the post.

While meowing is a common form of communication among kittens, it becomes less so as they age. However, though adult cats no longer meow to each other, they still do meow at humans.

Cats usually meow at us when they are trying to grab our attention, often because they are hungry or they want to play. However, more frequent meows can be a sign of stress, territorial behavior, or even medical issues.

Though it’s not their favorite language, cats make lots of different types of meows, each with a different meaning. Dr. Jess Kirk says on Vet Explains Pets that the most common type is the short meow, a quick high-pitch sound they use to say hello or ask for something.

On the other hand, the long meow is a more urgent cry for attention, which they may use when feeling lonely, anxious or in need of something.

The chirp is a cheerful sign that indicates they’re in a good mood, and you’ve probably heard your cat chirp when spotting a bird outside. Another sign of happiness is the famous purr.

A sign that indicates the total opposite is the hiss, a defensive behavior they use when feeling scared or threatened. Then there is the yowl, a loud, drawn-out sound they make when they are feeling territorial, in pain, or when they are in heat.

A stock image shows a gray kitten looking at its owner as she holds it in her arms.

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The video quickly went viral on social media and it has so far received over 4.8 million views and 1.1 million likes on the platform.

One user, Newman_Giddy, said: “Just called my cat..he raised his head..looked at me and continued his sleep.”

Donnaj01752 wrote: “She most definitely is acknowledging the love and bond you have for one another. She’s such a vocal baby.”

Newsweek reached out to @rachelandtea for comment via TikTok comment. We could not verify the details of the case.

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.

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