
Health Workers’ Wages Continue to Rise by 20 Percent

The new pay scale of healthcare workers came into force on March 1, with the first pay rise arriving in April. According to a statement from the Ministry of the Interior, the salaries of health workers will increase by around four times compared to 2010, with their average basic salary reaching 37 percent of the average basic salary for doctors, writes Index.

An average increase of 20 percent continues from March 1, following a uniform 18 percent pay rise in July last year. The average monthly salary of full-time health workers was HUF 170,900 (EUR 432) in 2010, and after this year’s pay rise on March 1,

it could exceed HUF 800,000 (EUR 2,023).

According to the Interior Ministry’s communique, the earnings of health workers will quadruple compared to 2010, with their average basic salary reaching 37 percent of the average basic salary of doctors.

The pay rise, affecting around 84,000 workers, will apply to all health professionals and health workers covered by the health sector promotion rules. The government is spending HUF 200 billion (EUR 506 million) on the pay rise for nurses.

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Most of the previous bonuses, such as

  • the specialized allowance,
  • the management allowance,
  • the foreign language allowance
  • and qualification allowances

are included in the basic salary and thus count towards the pension. As the basic salary is the basis for calculating the mobile salary of professional staff in addition to the basic salary, the amount of the mobile salary will also rise with the increase in the basic salary, the ministry stressed.

An important change is the introduction of a new pay scale with five pay grades.

Within the five pay grades, employees will be classified in basic or advanced grades, depending on the specialization and the job they perform. The list of priority specializations and jobs is set out in a government decree. The employer sets the minimum and maximum amounts of the new pay grades and sets the rate of pay increases. Workers will receive their first pay rise in early April.

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Via Index, MTI; Featured image via Facebook/Sebészeti, Transzplantációs és Gasztroenterológiai Klinika

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