
International Mission Fighting Illegal Migration to be Launched

An international mission is to be launched at the Bulgarian-Turkish border in cooperation with four countries, said Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary Secretary of State of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At the farewell ceremony of the police contingent, Bence Rétvári said that Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary and Romania are cooperating in the quadrilateral mission to jointly protect Europe along the Bulgarian-Turkish border.

Bence Rétvári; Photo: MTI/Hegedüs Róbert

He stressed that Hungarian police officers and border guards have already participated in international missions “to the full satisfaction of the host states.” One of the best examples of this is the southern border of Serbia, which is jointly controlled by Serbs, Hungarians and Austrians, he pointed out.

Thanks to the joint work, illegal migration has decreased and the activities of people smugglers have been reduced. “Where there is a stronger police presence, illegal migration can be reduced significantly,”

he said.

The State Secretary recalled that in recent months there have been a number of attacks in Western Europe perpetrated by illegal immigrants. In December, an attacker drove into a crowd of people at a Christmas market in Magdeburg. The youngest victim was nine years old. In February, a Nigerian migrant attacked police officers in Germany three times in 18 hours. In Munich, a 24-year-old Afghan migrant drove a car into a crowd, killing a two-year-old girl and her mother. Also in Munich, a 14-year-old boy was killed and a Spanish tourist was stabbed at the Holocaust memorial in Berlin, said the state secretary.

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Bence Rétvári stressed that Hungarian police officers are doing a great service to the Hungarian people and are also setting a very important example for the whole of Europe and the North Atlantic region of the world. Their work can also have a very important impact on European political decisions, he pointed out.

Hungary has the courage to say loudly that illegal migration must be stopped at the earliest possible stage of the migration route,”

declared the politician. If Europe’s external borders had been protected over the past 11 years, the problem would not be on such a scale today. He added that the ideal would be to have a joint contingent of all European countries at the external borders. This would eliminate the need for internal border control in many countries, he explained.

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Via MTI; Featured picture: Wikipedia

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